Sunday, 21 November 2010


I think I'm going to go in for a new approach at my blog, not really sure what. Perhaps I'll go for a more journalistic aspect as that is my ideal future career, especially in fashion, Vogue to be more precise.

But to do this I'm really going to need to put myself out there, showing my outfits, analysing others.
Might occasionally do the odd thought, like the Donnie Darko post below, but that wasn't the intention of my blog. If you stumble across this I would love you to follow.

I'm not going to reveal who I am in a way. I'm not confident enough to think that people I know want to read this and won't judge or mock me because of it. Hence the name 'censure'. And it comes full circle.

Basic facts that I won't be able to hide are... I'm ginger, I can't afford many clothes so I just mix up my own with others, I don't steal them. I had a friend who did that and claimed they were her sisters. If I need to borrow them, I ask and then give them back once there washed and dried etc but sometimes I forget. I am known to steal my sister's clothes and makeup because she wears them differently and I'm not a fan so I steal them to try different ways. Usually they're too big anyway as she's a size 12 and I'm an 8/10. I like to think anyway. Usually I'll take a 10. But I'm trying to lose weight. And people don't understand why. I'm happy with the way I look now, and I don't feel I HAVE to lose weight. I just worry that I eat more than I exercise so I'm worried about the overall balance of my diet.

Anywayy, that's about it. I'm starting my redesigned webpage in a bizzle.

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